Today, February 12, 2021, Albert Sarfati would have been 100 years old …
This is the opportunity to recall that Productions Internationales Albert Sarfati is above all the creation of a man, who at the end of the war finds himself “embarked” by his destiny and who will spend his life following his instinct. Another era certainly, universes in movements that collide, a culture of all universes curious and motivated by the unique passion of pushing their limits to better entertain us and make us think. He collaborates with Francoise Sagan, Madeleine Renaud and Jean-Louis Barrault, Jean Poiret, Yves Robert, Roland Petit, Rudolf Nureyev, Charles Münch, Robert Casadesus, le Mime Marceau, Zizi Jeanmaire, Hebert van Karajan, Georges Prêtre, Lorin Maazel, Vladimir Horowitz, Mariss Jansons, Yehudi Menuhin, Mistlav Rostropovich, Paloma Picasso, Bernard Buffet, Evgeny Svetlanov, Yuri Temirkanov, Leonard Bernstein, Mikhaïl Baryshnikov, Evgeny Kissin, Seiji Ozawa and many others….
His office was his life, and when he passed on May 23, 1992 we didn’t even took the time to think. Obviously, we had to continue what he had spent his whole life building. Almost 30 years later, when time seems to be frozen, culture almost non-existent and live entertainment absent from our daily lives, this existence he has lived seems so rich, full of projects carried out and talents brought together. But certainly now a bygone era.
Today Albert Sarfati would have been 100 years old …
Vertigo of this 3-unit figure which seems surreal to us. And yet, for us it remains so present in our minds and we carry his name every day to ensure it endures. This is not to be outrageously nostalgic for a time that probably seems so carefree, productive and perhaps even “easy” compared to our time. The greatest strength of a human being is always knowing how to bounce back and find new ways out even in the face of what looks like a dead end. The legacy that Albert Sarfati will have left us is certainly never to give up. We do not yet know when and how, but the performing arts will be reborn because the artists will always have this talent to amaze us, the producers the passion to accompany them and the audience … the one for dreaming …
Lily, Cathy, Vony Sarfati